

Roots grow from seeds that are planted in faith,

Seeds must die to begin life, through death life begins.

Roots are formed and start to push and pull against the gravity of the earth.

Some roots find the easy path and go straight down, but others hit obstacles and have to find a way around.

One maine thrust of energy pushing up to the surface to fresh air and life can be sustained.

The upper part is public and open vulnerable and fragile in the beginning. Still, thick skin is formed, a bark of protection.

But the roots are in the darkness secretly reaching out to find water and sustenance.

Sometimes the roots are deep down, and anchor down, others may rise to the surface and then go back down.

All are needed and interact and help in the life of the plant to sustain life.

When a sauce of nourishment is found, new roots grow, and possibly new growth is seen.

New life or new sprouts may begin to climb up to the daylight, and fresh air new life is started over again.

When the above is cut back, or the coldness of winter comes, it is the roots that keep going, keep on nourishing and holding on to life.

Roots can bring back new growth and new life.

Roots are important, they give power and strength, they ground.

As Christians, we need roots, although ours are different, we have roots.

Family roots, these roots may have been formed in love or in distress or hatred.

Yet it is what we do with our roots that makes us!

Do we hold on to the obstacles that may cause our roots to become vulnerable and rise to the surface, make us cry with laughter or shame?

Or do we try and hide our roots, cut them back, so we too are cut back from the nourishment that we need?

All I know is that the Master gardener knows best, and I like a seed must put my trust in the one that planted me and nurses me.

I know that I have vulnerable roots; or roots that I feel I need to keep deep down.

But I must give in to the one that nourishes me and roots me in love.

Love is essential, roots that are loved and nurtured will grow and produce more and more.

As the one who died for me, died to make a new life, so I must trust in the new life, I am given.

So, creator God, may I be rooted and grounded in love and receive your power to sustain me.


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