The shriven bell rings and I confess.


In Preparation for Shrove Tuesday.


The shriven bell rings and I confess.

Absolve me from my sins and Make me shriven.

Lord, as I move in to, lent let the confession of my heart be heard.

O shrieve me, shrieve me, Lord!

For I know you will not give me short shrift.


Lord, you walked this earth as a man and made low for my sake.

For the sake of the of the world, you came.

By your death of the cross, I am forgiven.

You are risen, so I am shriven.


Clean me Lord and make me new,

Wash me bleach me as white as snow.

Clean me and make me shriven.

O shrieve me, shrieve me, Lord!

For I know you will not give me short shrift.


I came with nothing with a blinded mind and you gave me light!

You rebuilt me and put me together with extensive energy.

The veil of the evil one was removed like scales from my Eyes!

Your Light shined in the darkness and set my heart ablaze.

For you, Lord, are Master of all and your light will overcome.

And not even the gates of hell will be able to keep you out.


O shrieve me, shrieve me, Lord!

For I know you will not give me short shrift!

Absolve me from my sins and Make me shriven.