What does peace mean to me?

What does peace mean to me?

It means having time to sit and be.

Peace is to be alone and be me.

Peace is to play music without any care in the world, even to cry with joy and happiness when it moves me.

Peace is to sit and dream of loves lost and adventures that could have happened.

Peace is to know that you are loved by your family no matter what.

Peace is having them hold your hand when life seems to be crushing in,

Or troubles and stress are pressing in.

Peace is forgiveness and hugs, even when you know you are right or wrong,

And to have the willingness to put things aside.

Peace is building lives together and seeing things through.

Peace is laughter and joy mixed together with all the emotions that follow.

Peace is fellowship and sharing it with others, at communion at church,

Placing bread in another’s hands and saying He died for you.

Peace is having faith, faith in God and belief that even in the darkest times,

knowing that God is holding me and, at some point, will bring peace,

 because he has done it before and will again.

Peace is a moment but knowing that I have an eternity to come.

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