A New Covenant Prayer for 2020

Eternal One, I have always belonged to you. Even when I thought different, I am yours.
Because I belong to you, I freely give myself to you, pick me up and place me anywhere in your creation.
Position means nothing to you, so why should it to me so, rate me with whom you will.
You made my body unique and yours, because of this, I yield to you in my work.
If I am doing, let me do for you and your kingdom.
If I am not doing, let me think of you.
If I suffer, let me suffer, but I trust you give me the heart to endure graciously.
If I am full, may I remember it is, you that filled me!
If I am empty, let me patiently wait on you! For you will always provide even when I feel it is not the case, you have always supplied, I know this!
If you choose to exalt me then may I remember you in all things and not forget you, keep me grounded.
My possessions are given by your grace and mercy, so I yield them to your will desire and removal.
Eternal One, I am worried and afraid when making this covenant with you. These are not just words; they have meaning on earth and in heaven.
But I trust you.
So, my loving, sustaining, everlasting God.
Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I am yours you are mine.
I make this covenant with you both now in this place on earth and in heaven.
So be it.