A Baby Leapt That Day

A baby Leapt that day
A dance of ecstatic joy
Mary’s welcome blessing at the door
Elizabeth’s utterance, a prophecy of power
A privilege and honour
An understanding
Knowing the precious gift, was brought to her

A baby Leapt that day
A dance of ecstatic joy
Mothers greeting each other in joy
In Love and innocence
Dreaming of days of happiness
Unaware of the sorrows to come
Or the gifts of joy they hold for all the world

A baby Leapt that day
A dance of ecstatic joy
Great favour was upon them
Two precious children
still in their mother’s wombs
One the Prophet beheaded by a King
The other a suffering servant destined to be a King

A baby Leapt that day
A dance of ecstatic joy
Two highly favoured ladies
Miracle carrying, Sisters of the Spirit
Bearing gifts for the world
One to point to the other
One to redeem the world upon a cross

As The Dawn Breaks.

As the dawn breaks, the night’s watch has ended.
You chose to rise, a chance on the day,
Prayer of thanks, a safe night’s sleep the angels guarded
The door is open the bed is made, a chance to start a new day.

A kiss and a hug, thanks for loved ones, the life they bring
Step into the day, an invitation accepted, new discoveries along the way
Trust God’s guidance, a hope without knowing, a new song to sing.
If you get lost, stumble or stuck, ask for a path to lead the way

Every day, you have no idea what life will bring.
Don’t get stuck in old lifeways, let your gifts shine and sing
And when the day is ended, and the sun begins to set
Give thanks to God for all the challenges you’ve met.


Prayer, a conscious effort!
Within my heart, my soul music.
A cry for peace within a chaotic world
A friend in the silence.
The loving energy of God,
The uniting of will and heart,
Refreshment when nothing can be said!
Merging with A deeper love,
My heart joining with the maker of the world.
An ever-flowing river of dynamic love,
Ebbing and flowing in a heartbeat rhythm,
And the peaceful surrender to a purpose.
An intersession of self-offering,
A community chorus that covers the whole world,
An offering of shared joys and woes,
Trusting in God and grace,
And a sharing of his work.
Our imperfect love,
Uniting with the redeeming saving love.
All freely given because of a death,
On a tree!

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Came as a servant child, lowly and meek in His mother arms for all to seek.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Sat and learnt the carpenter’s trade, hands marked and knurled for a daily fee.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Heard the cry of a prophet, baptized and to the desert did he flee.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Tempted and taunted by Satan, the world was offered for free.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

On his return twelve did he gather, fishers of men you will be.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Miracles and lives set free, a message for all, come follow me.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Pharisees and Sadducees, scheming and watching trying to cease or revolution there may be.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

A final meal there was, this is my body, this is my blood, do this in remembrance of me

Innocence died on a tree for me!

A night of lost sleep and a traitor’s kiss, Judas I knew you would betray me.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

A false trial and a judge, whipping and blood, a wash of hands, he has nothing to do with me.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

A crawl up a hill, a cross to bear, for the sins of the world and for me.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

His cry, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Innocence died on a tree for me!

A cruel slow death into God hands instead of me.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

A tomb of sorrow laid in a rush, no time to make preparation or unclean they would be.

Innocence died on a tree for me!

Three days later, the tomb laid bare, where could He be?

Innocence died on a tree for me!

He has risen and new life for all and me to be set free.

Innocence died on a tree for you and for me, trust in Jesus, and you can be forgiven and set free.

Glimmers of Hope:


A feeling of anticipation and desire for a sure thing to happen to us

A possibility, a glimmer a spark that can grow, something to yearn for.

A real Belief that something will happen.

A symbol of something that brings us together,

a rainbow after a rainstorm or flood.

A poppy in November, a star at Christmas and a Cross at Easter!

A unity that entails we are in it together, and we stand together.

A march for a cause to bring about change, a belief in fairness!

We sometimes see a little glimmer of hope, in the people around us,

In a smile or a wave from a loved one or a little child smiling and looking through innocent eyes.

Hope is seeing people fight for what is right.

Hope is seeing people change other’s perceptions.

Hope is being rooted in the kind of God we believe in.

Hope is believing in the grace of God and being affectionate towards one another.

Hope is Imitating God in our lives, removing the darkness of our past and receiving the love offered.

Hope is not giving up and keep trying for change, pushing forward and believing that things will happen.

Hope is celebrating the losses and the wins because we have hope.

Black lives matter, and one day we will sit down together at the table of friendship and hope.

And we will not need hope anymore, because no one will be judged by the colour of their skin or the country of their birth. We shall be judged by the content of our character and the example we lead to others.



Roots grow from seeds that are planted in faith,

Seeds must die to begin life, through death life begins.

Roots are formed and start to push and pull against the gravity of the earth.

Some roots find the easy path and go straight down, but others hit obstacles and have to find a way around.

One maine thrust of energy pushing up to the surface to fresh air and life can be sustained.

The upper part is public and open vulnerable and fragile in the beginning. Still, thick skin is formed, a bark of protection.

But the roots are in the darkness secretly reaching out to find water and sustenance.

Sometimes the roots are deep down, and anchor down, others may rise to the surface and then go back down.

All are needed and interact and help in the life of the plant to sustain life.

When a sauce of nourishment is found, new roots grow, and possibly new growth is seen.

New life or new sprouts may begin to climb up to the daylight, and fresh air new life is started over again.

When the above is cut back, or the coldness of winter comes, it is the roots that keep going, keep on nourishing and holding on to life.

Roots can bring back new growth and new life.

Roots are important, they give power and strength, they ground.

As Christians, we need roots, although ours are different, we have roots.

Family roots, these roots may have been formed in love or in distress or hatred.

Yet it is what we do with our roots that makes us!

Do we hold on to the obstacles that may cause our roots to become vulnerable and rise to the surface, make us cry with laughter or shame?

Or do we try and hide our roots, cut them back, so we too are cut back from the nourishment that we need?

All I know is that the Master gardener knows best, and I like a seed must put my trust in the one that planted me and nurses me.

I know that I have vulnerable roots; or roots that I feel I need to keep deep down.

But I must give in to the one that nourishes me and roots me in love.

Love is essential, roots that are loved and nurtured will grow and produce more and more.

As the one who died for me, died to make a new life, so I must trust in the new life, I am given.

So, creator God, may I be rooted and grounded in love and receive your power to sustain me.


What does peace mean to me?

What does peace mean to me?

It means having time to sit and be.

Peace is to be alone and be me.

Peace is to play music without any care in the world, even to cry with joy and happiness when it moves me.

Peace is to sit and dream of loves lost and adventures that could have happened.

Peace is to know that you are loved by your family no matter what.

Peace is having them hold your hand when life seems to be crushing in,

Or troubles and stress are pressing in.

Peace is forgiveness and hugs, even when you know you are right or wrong,

And to have the willingness to put things aside.

Peace is building lives together and seeing things through.

Peace is laughter and joy mixed together with all the emotions that follow.

Peace is fellowship and sharing it with others, at communion at church,

Placing bread in another’s hands and saying He died for you.

Peace is having faith, faith in God and belief that even in the darkest times,

knowing that God is holding me and, at some point, will bring peace,

 because he has done it before and will again.

Peace is a moment but knowing that I have an eternity to come.

A New Covenant Prayer for 2020

Eternal One, I have always belonged to you. Even when I thought different, I am yours.
Because I belong to you, I freely give myself to you, pick me up and place me anywhere in your creation.
Position means nothing to you, so why should it to me so, rate me with whom you will.
You made my body unique and yours, because of this, I yield to you in my work.
If I am doing, let me do for you and your kingdom.
If I am not doing, let me think of you.
If I suffer, let me suffer, but I trust you give me the heart to endure graciously.
If I am full, may I remember it is, you that filled me!
If I am empty, let me patiently wait on you! For you will always provide even when I feel it is not the case, you have always supplied, I know this!
If you choose to exalt me then may I remember you in all things and not forget you, keep me grounded.
My possessions are given by your grace and mercy, so I yield them to your will desire and removal.
Eternal One, I am worried and afraid when making this covenant with you. These are not just words; they have meaning on earth and in heaven.
But I trust you.
So, my loving, sustaining, everlasting God.
Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I am yours you are mine.
I make this covenant with you both now in this place on earth and in heaven.
So be it.

The Storm!

When I hear the first thunder and then the powerful rush of rain.

I think of you Lord!

When your thunder is spine-tingling, and your lightning is sketched on the sky.

I think of you Lord!

When your steams of water are flowing all around.

I think of you Lord!

And the waves of the wind billow and blow.

I think of you Lord!

And when the soft rains come, and I smell the ground.

I think of you!

And I remember!

I Remember your sweet rain!

For it is you who makes the storm clouds, who gives showers of rain.

It is you who comes to us like the showers, and the rains that water the earth.

You paint the sky with a majesty of color.

And you bless us and fill us with spirit, we are like a river that never runs dry.

We just have to remember and have faith, a close and loving faith.

Faith in the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Faith to be intimate with you, even when the storms seem to overwhelm us.

Faith to hold on and find you as the anchor in our stormy life.

And faith to remember you in the small things, and the big.

And to do the things that you call us to do in our life no matter what the cost.

For you are the God of sweet rain.

And though the seasons change your love remains.


Palm Sunday

We are at a point verge 

Standing on the edge of holy week, 

Just like Jesus we are standing on the mt of olives  

We can see the land ahead of us,  

We can choose to carry on or just stand and wait. 

Jesus chooses  to carry on, carrying the hopes of his farther with him. 

Will you carry on? 

As so we see him at the gate. 

At the gate of the of the holy city that would sing his praise and welcome him 

Will you welcome him, 

The savior comes. But will I welcome him? 

As we look ahead this week will you embrace the meaning? 

Or will you like be like the people of Jerusalem, quickly reject him quickly  to turn to hate him. 

Will you weep like him at the sadness of the world? 

Or will you turn away and follow a different road 

Will you trust in the unknown ? 

Will you carry you own personal load to the foot of the cross and leave it there. 

And will you rise to new life and begin life anew. 

Will you eat of his body and be filled?  

Will you Drink and be refreshed? 

Will you come and follow him. 
