Ordinary time

Ordinary time, 

Written in the 5th week of ordinary time. 

There is something about ordinary time 

A tempus per annum, a time during the year. 

A time between the seasons, of birth and of spirit. 

The time of green and growth. 

A time of waiting and nothingness. 

A time for life, 

A time for death, 

A time for joy, 

And a time for sorrow, 

And a time for being. 

In a time of joy, we often don’t look for you in our lives, 

In the dark times of life, we are often searching and looking for you. 

But you are there all the time. 

Because your time is linear, constant and never ending. 

And endures today and forever. 

And each day is an ancient day for you are beyond time. 

You can move the stars in a minute and you can make time stand still. 

Time moves at your hand and your command. 

The sun rises and we wake in the light of your you day. 

It sets in and we sleep in the light of your moon. 

All our lives we move in your time. 

And one day we will move into your eternity time. 

Until then Lord, help us to see more of you in this ordinary and blessed time. 

May we see more of your miracles in our time, and in this place. 

And remember that today is the day you have made, 

May we rejoice and be Glad off your ordinary time. 

May our time be a blessing to all, at all time. 

 It is not yet finished  




Bread that sustains us,

Feeds us,

Gives us life.

Bread that brings us together,

Bread that reduces hunger,

Bread that assures us.


Living Bread,

Within the fellowship,

Within the community,

Within the world.

Living within us,

Trusting in us.

Living within me,

Trusting in me.


For your bread is true and genuine spiritual food,

Comes from the father a gift to the world.

Jesus the Living Bread that came down out of heaven,

The Bread that gives for the life of the world.


May we remember that we that we are your bread,

And we are your body,

Your hands,

Your feet,

We are your bread!

Whips of chords you carried that day!

Whips of chords you carried that day,
The sheep and cattle were all astray.
You came to your father’s house to pray,
And found madness, your people lost and astray.
The money changers and the priests all lost their way,
Turned your Father’s house into a marketplace!

Zeal for your house consumed you that day,
The Passover was near, there was no time to play.
So, you overturned the tables and drove them out of the way.
The coins poured on the floor, they accused you of affray.
The doves were driven out too, the selling all over that day.
And you said Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace!

The shriven bell rings and I confess.


In Preparation for Shrove Tuesday.


The shriven bell rings and I confess.

Absolve me from my sins and Make me shriven.

Lord, as I move in to, lent let the confession of my heart be heard.

O shrieve me, shrieve me, Lord!

For I know you will not give me short shrift.


Lord, you walked this earth as a man and made low for my sake.

For the sake of the of the world, you came.

By your death of the cross, I am forgiven.

You are risen, so I am shriven.


Clean me Lord and make me new,

Wash me bleach me as white as snow.

Clean me and make me shriven.

O shrieve me, shrieve me, Lord!

For I know you will not give me short shrift.


I came with nothing with a blinded mind and you gave me light!

You rebuilt me and put me together with extensive energy.

The veil of the evil one was removed like scales from my Eyes!

Your Light shined in the darkness and set my heart ablaze.

For you, Lord, are Master of all and your light will overcome.

And not even the gates of hell will be able to keep you out.


O shrieve me, shrieve me, Lord!

For I know you will not give me short shrift!

Absolve me from my sins and Make me shriven.

Down in grave he lay Broken and bruised.

Down in grave he lay Broken and bruised for you and for me.
Humbly he came to the cross so we could be free.
He could have had an army of angels for protection.
Instead he chooses humility and death.
Freely he gave his live for all.

Down in grave he lay Broken and bruised for you and for me.
In to the depths of hell, he went to brake the chains of sin.
To set us all free!
New life for all, his kingdom flung open for you and me!

What kind of love is this that the son of God should die for you and me!
God’s love!
God’s love for all.
Listen to his call!

Come all who are broken, lost and forgotten.
Find love and forgiveness and a life renewed.
Share in the fellowship our love for each other!
Be made strong and new!
I am Calling to you

He stands at the door waiting for you and me!
I have opened it!
Will you?

Be still and know

I often feel like I am running around like mad man

Trying to juggle the things that happen day by day.

Things running around in my head at a thousand miles an hour.


The wordpool of my mind says I can’t hold it all in

Faster, faster quicker, quicker things come in. They come and I don’t know what to do.

Stop the world I want to get off.


Plates are spinning life is swirling, whirling and turning, so fast all is a blur!

They are going to fall!

Fall to the floor and smash to the ground broken unable to be put back together.


Am I being pulled apart, broken and poured out spilled to the floor!

Lost and spilling through the cracks of life.

Never to be the same again.



Stop Bang Crash!




So I Stop what I am doing!

I Quit trying,

I Quit fretting,

I Quit panicking,

I Quit fussing,

I Quit resisting.

I am still . . .

And I know that you are God. .  .

I trust that You know what you’re doing with Me

And I am in awe or you. . .

I am Resting in your arms of love. . .

I am still and know that I am with God. . .

One Love!

The body of Love broken for you!
Drink at the table, one cup we share!
The blood shed in love for you.
Eat at the table, one loaf we share!
The body of love broken for all!

The body, the blood the sign that is true.
Love for all he shed his life.
This Jesus our saviour, given for you!
Come to the table!
Be renewed!

Come all who are broken, lost and forgotten.
Find love and forgiveness and a life renewed.
Share in the fellowship our love for each other!
Be made strong and new!

The body of love, broken for you!
The body of love broken now new!
New life for all, free and true!

The body of Jesus broken for you!
Drink and Eat and be made full!
Receive life anew!
Our saviour is true.


Grace Rhythm.

LORD, let us move to the rhythm of your Grace,

And to be intimately open to you,

To recognise your spiritual call on our lives,

And to travel together in mutual respect.

Discerning the movements of your spirit together.

And to follow the leadership of your loving spirit.

LORD, help us learn from our mistakes.

Let us be honest with ourselves

May we learn to put the past behind us;

Then remember not to do it again

May we know that we will make mistakes?

But be humble when we stumble in your ways.

May we ponder the path of our feet?

But, give us the assurance of your way

So we are sure that every choice that we make,

Will be in the pursuit of you.



White As snow

May I remember that my hands are your hands, and that my eyes are your eyes; they are yours and only yours.

May I remember that it is only through you that and your sacrificial blood that I am cleansed and made white as snow.

Only by Your Grace I am made clean.

Made clean as white as snow shining for you!

May my life be a like a light house shining for you, a beacon for all to see you though me.

May I point to others to the one that can wash as white as snow! White as snow; shining for you; only you.


You and I

You and I,

Could follow the stars in the sky,

We could climb the highest mountain.

But all I want is to rest in your loving arms.


You and I,

Could talk about the things we have done,

And the times I have spent with you,

But all that I want is to thank you for the life I’ve had.


You and I,

Could spend eternity together Side by side,

Living the fullest of lives together,

But all I want is to thank you for the dreams that I’ve seen come true through you.


You and I,

That’s all there is,

You and I,

LORD Just You and I.